Last year, I wrote about the Succession Plan of the Denver Broncos after winning the Super Bowl. I talked about how the leader of the team was setting up the team to successfully move forward. (
When you equate football to business, you can think about how all the departments in your company work together for the final product. Sales, Marketing, Accounting, Foreman, Line Workers, Shipping, etc. all have a system to getting the product to customers. If any of the departments fail, the product does not get out and the business is doomed to fail.
At the school, you have the football team, band, facilities maintenance, alumni clubs, boosters etc. working together to put together a program that could appeal to most of the student body and families. If any of the areas don’t do their part, there is less and less audience and the school sprit can erode.
At the helm of all the different departments are the leaders that organize the process they will follow to do their part to get the end result. Some of the leaders have been doing the same thing for years, they have a system, the system works, so they keep doing it. Others get input from others to develop the system, improve upon it and achieve better results.
I have seen when a school's football team is not playing well, and it affects the school negatively. I have also seen when the school's football team is doing well, but the Marching band's halftime show is not good. It also affects the school. Friday, I got to see the Football Team do well and the Marching Band sound and look great. The spirit after the school afterwards was amazing! The atmosphere of the school today is also amazing.
When the business works as a team, everyone doing their specific job the achieve more. You can actually use an anagram of T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More).