GLM askes their clients the following question to learn more about what the business owner is thinking.
Which concern(s) do you have about your business?
- Rising labor costs (Employee)
- Health Insurance
- Workers Comp
- Government Regulations
- Declining Sales (Strategy)
- Taxes (Financial)
- Fighting Fires (Process)
- Tight Cash Flow (Financial)
- Errors, Mistakes, Quality (Process)
- Productivity & Attitude (Employees)
- Equipment Capacity (Equipment)
- Customer Demands (Strategy)
- Not having anyone to talk with (Owner Partner Issues)
- Other:
The GOA Survey showed that Taxes is the largest concern (over 45% or those survey choose it) for business owners and GLM clients agree.
Other successful business owners tell us they have a good relationship with their accounting firm. They indicate this has occurred through a unique process that allows them to spend more time working on other key elements of their job. They say the result is increased results without increasing the number of hours they work.
Perhaps you may want to see some of the same results in your business. If you do, please contact us.
If you are also looking to stay in the loop on local, state and federal business regulations and taxes, you may want to get involved in the Local Business Association and Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce, the GOA. Learn more at