A business plan is the blueprint for the future development of a business. It expresses the vision of its leadership. It describes the resources that are available and those that are needed. It describes the competitive advantages, and threats. A business plan should be a process, not just a product. Write one; think about it; discuss it with your key business allies; and then revise it at reasonable intervals. Below is a “sample” table of contents for a business plan. It’s just a good place to start. Please revise it and flesh out the content to suit your specific circumstances. Best wishes for much success.
- Executive Summary
- Current Situation
- Vision
- Mission Statement
- Goals (long range)
- Objectives (short/medium range)
- Management
- Product / Service Description
- Market Analysis
- Customers
- Competition
- Opportunities
- Risks
- Marketing Strategy
- Personnel
- Facilities / Equipment
- Pricing & Profitability
- Advertising & Promotion
- Public Relations
- Selling Tactics
- Distribution Channels
- Business Relationships
- Production / Manufacturing Strategy
- Personnel
- Facilities / Equipment
- Intellectual Property
- Regulation / Compliance
- Supply Chain
- Business Relationships
- Administrative Strategy
- Personnel
- Facilities / Equipment
- Management Information
- Worker Administration & Benefits
- Regulation / Compliance
- Business/Professional Relationships
- Financial Information
- Pro Forma Balance Sheets (for 5 years into the future)
- Pro Forma Income Statement (for 5 years into the future)
- Detailed Budget (for next 12 to 24 months into the future)
- Cash Flow Projection (for next 12 to 24 months into the future)
- Break Even Analysis (show growth steps, if applicable)
- Summary of Existing Resources (people and money)
- Potential Sources of Funding