Here are situations for which a metallurgical engineer can help people:
- High costs associated with manufacturing or supplier quality problems
- Can’t ship product because struggling to meet product requirements
- "High costs of metals used in products"
- "High costs and delays associated with supplier and manufacturing problems"
- "Not able to ship enough product (low accounts receivable) because of delays due to supplier, quality, or reliability problems"
- "Spending too much time dealing with customer complaints"
They offer metallurgical engineering consulting and training to help companies who make or use metal components make better design, manufacturing, and supplier decisions, reduce quality problems, and solve quality problems faster
How do they do it?
They meet with clients and review the products they make and discuss the metal alloys being used, the problems they’re having, and the steps to fix the problems. Then work with them to take the steps to fix the problems. This can be ongoing or on a project basis.
Matching Ideas with Resources: