What are you buying? If it is a stock purchase is it a C Corp? S Corp? LLC?
- Is the business in good standing with the state and feds?
- Any pending lawsuits? Governmental proceedings?
- Survey on land
- Any independent contractors that should have been classified as "employees"
- what is the property zoned?
- Can any of it be sub-divided at a later date and sold off?
- Does the owner really own it? Do they have the legal authority to sell?
- Any workman comp claims? Unemployment claims? -any patents or copyrights of logos?
- Any business license and are the transferrable?
- Any tax registration certificates? Are they transferrable?
- Is the business in compliance with zoning laws?
- Any toxic waste or environmental problems
- Do they own photos, testimonials that may be used in print collaterals or the website?
- Any employee contracts with non-competes?
What is it? With Customers and Vendors?
- What is its brand position? Is it healthy?
- Do they have a good reputation?
- Do they have a customer database?
- Do they have a prospect database?
- Do they know how large their market is?
- Do they have a CRM?
- How are they perceived in the marketplace?
- Who are their key partners and alliances?
- Are their prices high? Low? Middle?
- Are their competitors who are larger, cheaper, quicker, faster that have the customer's attention?
- What are the barriers to entry to this business?
- Does the business have significant vendors or customers?
- Any vendors that we use that we purchase 10% or more of our product from?
- Any customers that make up 5% or more of revenues/sales?
- Is it a motivated seller and why?
- How much debt does he need to pay off? (mortgages loans?)
- How much cash does the seller immediately need?
- Does he need that cash all at once?
- Is he looking for a way to avoid capital gains? Or reduce or spread out his tax liability?
- Are there other family members involved in the decision making process?
- Has the reputation of the company been damaged at all?
- How dependent has the business been on the current owner? Relationships with employees? Customers? Vendors?
- Consider buying on installment
- Don't ever be shy in asking for information- your strategy is to "discover" as much as you can
- Consider holding back some of the purchase price until after closing- say six months or a year in case you suffer a loss due to the owner failing to "disclose" information
- Consider buying land in one deal and the company in another- if the two are indeed owned separately
- Consider and 'earn-out' provision where seller only gets paid if certain financial milestones are met