When you hear a business owner say:
· “I am worried my customers might not pay our invoices.”
· “How much credit should I give that new contact?”
Credit Insurance Specialist protects your business against both commercial and political risks that are beyond your control. It improves the quality of your business and helps you to grow profitably, minimizing the risk of sudden or unexpected customer insolvencies. Credit insurance gives you the confidence to extend trade credit to new customers.
How they Work Credit insurance protects your company against the failure of your customers to pay trade credit debts owed to you. These debts can arise following a customer becoming insolvent or failing to pay within the agreed terms and conditions (protracted default).
They monitor the financial performance and well-being of your customers and allocate each of those customers a grade that reflects the health of their activity and the way they conduct business.
From this risk assessment, each of your buyers is then granted a specific credit limit up to which you can trade and claim should something go wrong. This limit may be revised upwards or downwards as new information becomes available.
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